i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Ker88: Hello babe, got my Miu Miu wallet at 640SGD. (:
Gervelle: 34c Hahahas, hmmm,
Yeah actually very stupid,
sometimes wanna buy clothes, etc, zip up the dress,
reach the boobs area cannot zip up! -.-"
So annoying eh.
Minn: Hey dear, Yeah at unicampus,
the one at dhoby ghaut is for undergrads.
Erm, if you've full N's also can get in,
best if you call them up and enquire!
Janicelim: Hello pretty! Shiok ah you,
can slaaaack for a long time already! LOL.
Thank you! I'm loving it tooooo~ :D
Shirley: LOL, shirley goh pei yun!
I haven't saw you in a thousand years can. ):
I miss you~
Spreelover: Nope, hahas too busy to organize!
Jane: Garett is leon's elder brother.
Yuling: LOL!
heard from fel you last min also never go?!
How come ah!
Sher: Hahahas, the heels sold already! :D
Anon198: Hello dear,
LOTS of people are asking me qns regarding modelling etc.
You can't expect me to remember what you've asked.
Daphy: Baaaaabe~ Liang court liang court! :D
Gal: Opposite alexandra road's Ikea.
Bao: Heheh, thanks for your compliment on the pictures!
Whoa, your course, learn so much stuff! o.0"
See until i blur, And i don't buying designed tees
if they're really nice! (:
G: Eh, you mean like a makeover?
Girl: Photographers introduced me to other photographers,
and thru recommandation from other photographers etc.
Steph: Thank you! :D
It's opposite alexandra road's Ikea!
Passerby: It's opposite alexandra road's Ikea!
Hime: Hey babe, it's soooold!
Nadia & Mardiah: LOL! JUMBU WHAT JUMBU!
Stop laughing at me! Hahahahas!
Leon Darling: Awwwww, muuuacks! hehe
Gosh, Reply so many tags until i'm so tired! :x
Lol, So soooooooorry for the late update.
My super fucked up desktop lah! @#$%^&*
crash crash crash, then i've to go ask for a 2nd copy
of my pictures from all the photographers i shot before with.
Life's been blah blah normal since i'm like schooling everyday,
hate the time spent on travelling man.
Tomorrow's accounts & finance.
Damn it, i forgot to borrow book from library,
Tmr during lesson got nth to read! The hooooorrors!
Mr LKK too boring lah, yadda yadda yadda for 2.5hours.
I will dieeeeeeeeee listening to him.
The other day it was sebastian's 21st birthday and his
friends bought him a birthday cake and celebrated after lecture.
So nice right, i wish my friends will buy me a cake
and celebrate with me after class for my birthday also!
*hint hint* HAHAHAHAS!
And there was the using cake/cream-on-the-bdayboy-face thing.
And the phototaking, and the bashings.
Half the class:

Okay, Enough of my school life!
Finally got the pictures from esther,
Mass group bikini shoot at east coast:

Super, super super, fucking super fucking hot.
Staaaaarving! Had lunch at a japanese restaurant.

And after 1.5hours of break, Continued shoot for another 2 hours.

much much much better and windy as
compared to the morning session!
After the shoot, went to the mac's handicap toilet
& washed up in there, So much sand! @#$%^&*
then darling picked me up and we went to get my miumiu!
Last week, I-dunno-which-day,
Esther invited me to go to
Oosh's one year anniversary party with her.
Met up with pretty esther at paragon and
Dennis came to send us to the party~

Btw, pictures are editted by esther~

So this guy, a director from some
company went to get us our 1st drink!
And well, we got comfy after awhile &went to get our food and all.
It's kinda scary luh, cos the crowd is really
like the directors of companies, all the biggie shot people.
It's like he introduced us to afew other guys, and all,
director of this company director of that company. =\
then we bumped into Agri and some other
people we met from agri's bday party~
So fun, took alot of pictures, chit chat,
drink drink, yadda yadda.
Vodka, tequila, rum. Yum

HUA CHI esther! She's gonna kill me if she sees this. :x
he's some macdonald ad guy. Whooooo~
I dunno why my lips are so red!
I'm wearing transparent gloss loh. -.-
Too healthy or what? Lol.

hurhurhur, drink luh drink luh.
He's reaaaaally interesting luh.
he told us he've like 5 japanese ex-gfs. Wow.

Then i called a cab and went home at arnd 11?
Still got school the next day! o.0"
Hahahas, the other day after cellgroup in church.
We went crazy playing with vicson's mac camera.
So fun! So many effects!

we took like 100 over of these 4 shots thingy!
Went over to boyf's house after the crazy camwhoring
and bath cos i'm all sticky from all the phototaking!
Hahahahas, and we went out to eaaaaat~
and i whined and whined that i wanna have dinner @ Liang Court.
And as usual, he gave in to meeeeeee~
Wahahaha, And darling bought me my Fuji Apple!
Okay, i shall end this post here very abruptly.
I really need to sleep, or else cannot wake up tmr!
Damn it! School made me sleep deprived
& forced fidel to become super guai!
Sleeping at 12am is like super duper whooper early
for somemore like me who's used to sleeping at 4, 5am everyday.
Oyasumi Nasai, Loves! (:
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